News Agency HARAKAT - 14 October 2010

  • 13:28"Harakat" criticized, Mutabar Tojibaeva's response arrived through Ulugbek Bakir

    On October 9th of this year, in the article titled, "What would happen if the Nobel Peace Prize was given to an Uzbek, not to a Chinese?" we noted inactivity of such people like Sanjar Umarov, Saidjahon Zaynobiddinov or Mutabar Tojiboeva, who in different periods have been imprisoned by the Uzbek regime and who had forgotten about Uzbek people's problems after discharge. Our site collaborator, currently living in Norway, "Birlik" activist Ulugbek Bakir sent a letter to M...

13 October 2010
10 October 2010
  • 07:33Finally, Russian democrats are going to join into a single party, and now it’s the Uzbek democrats’ turn

    Yesterday, at the Bolotnaya Square in Moscow, was the first legally authorized rally of the "Russia without arbitrariness and corruption" coalition. Next, they had meeting of the Organizational Committee of the coalition. At the meeting it was decided to create the unified "People's Freedom" party. According to the information spread by the chairman of the People's Democratic Union Michael Kosyanov's consultant Elena Dikun, the party congress will be held in Moscow on December 13. The party's ...

06 October 2010
  • 18:43Nightmare in Kokand: The city’s government employee Muhammadjon Imomaliev and his family members were slaughtered

    Yesterday night, an authorized official of Kokand city Capital Building Department Muhammadjon Imomaliev, his wife and two sons were slaughtered in their own place of living. The reason for this shocking slaughter is still unknown. Officers from the National Security Service, the Prosecutor's office and the Internal Affairs Department organized a rapid response investigation group and the details of the case are being studied. According to some Kokand city dwellers, the slaughtering was a resul...

02 October 2010
  • 01:22The court hearing against "Voice of America" reporter Abdumalik Boboev will start soon

    According to the news distributed by the Independent Human Rights Initiative Group, the court hearing against Abdumalik Boboev whose alias is Malik Mansur will take place in Criminal Matters court of Mirzo-Ulugbek district. That his case has been assigned to the court hearing is known from our Uzbek language news of September 15. According to the case 18/10-2683 prepared by senior investigator of the City Prosecutors office H.Hasanov, the following charges brought against journalist: slander,...

29 September 2010
  • 03:26Today "Birlik" Party's Fergana regional organization conference was held in Kokand city

    In the Fergana regional conference of “Birlik” Party under "To get the Party registration - is the priority task" slogan, over 22 activists participated from Kokand city, Rishton, Uzbekistan, Fergana, Bagdod, Besharik and Toshlok districts. Abdurahim Pulat through the telephone from Washington, Mrs. Vasilya Inoyat who arrived from Tashkent, Musajon Bobojon, Nurmuhamad Aziz and Dilmurod Muhiddin as guests from neighbor Andijan region joined the meeting. Fergana valley vice-chairman of the Party ...

25 September 2010
  • 04:48Kyrgyz democracy in practice: Vasilya Inoyat was denied entrance to Osh

    Yesterday, Uzbekistan Human Rights Society chairwoman Vasilya Inoyat was detained and kept in a room for over 5 hours by Kyrgyz border officers at the Andijan - Osh "Friendship" (Dustlik) border post, despite all legal documents she had. She was isolated from outside world, her cell phone was taken away too. It looks that Kyrgyz officials knew Vasilya Inoyat, they informed Bishkek about Uzbek democrat's wish to pass the board and waited for instructions. After 5 hours, the instructions arriv...

23 September 2010
  • 03:56"Birlik" Party activists from Andijan met with European Diplomats

    According to late received news, Andijan regional Asaca district organization leader of the "Birlik" Party Musajon Bobojon and lawyer-activist of Uzbekistan Human Rights Society "Ezgulik" Ahmadjon Mamasiddik met with guests from Tashkent - German embassy 1st Secretary Uve Brendt, France embassy 1st Secretary Sharl Domenik, Czech Republic embassy 1st secretary Roman Mosarik and Great Britain embassy 2nd Secretary Richard Pike. Of course, the main subject of the conversation was the human righ...

11 September 2010
  • 23:50Abdurahim Polat: The Koran is holy but its every copy made in different ways may not necessarily be considered as holy

    A certain silly Floridian pastor decided to burn the copy of the Koran. The Muslims, who tried to fight against his wish, look not better than he. I think it would help to remind to them the following. The Koran - is holy. But it was not received in a book shape. Later people copied Koran by handwriting and then using methods of polygraph printed the books. We must respect each copy of Koran book, but we cannot make every copy of it holy. We have to understand it. The true intention of ...

03 September 2010
  • 03:09Brother of the minister of internal affairs - district head of the internal affairs department was dismissed

    Head of the Tashkent city Yakkasaray district internal affairs department colonel Jamshid Matlubov was dismissed. This information was also confirmed by the Yakkasaray district Internal Affairs Department. There are several opinions about minister of internal affairs Bahodir Matlubov's brother being dismissed. The most common opinion is - death of the Honored artist of Uzbekistan Dilnura Kodirjonova, which was also written by the news agencies many times.

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