News Agency HARAKAT - 17 March 2012
- 01:36The problems of transboundary pollution areas in Uzbekistan Tajik aluminum plant
One of the most pressing environmental problems in Central Asia is a cross-border land pollution by industrial emissions of the State Unitary Enterprise "Tajik Aluminum Company" (SUE "Talco"). This industrial giant is the only company in Central Asia for the production of aluminum and the main polluter of adjacent territories of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It is located sixty miles west of Dushanbe near the town of Tursunzada near the border with Uzbekistan. Only 18 miles separate the company fro...
- 12:48Abdurahim Polat to Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of State
«Б И Р Л И К» Х А Л Қ Ҳ А Р А К А Т И П А Р Т И Я С И P O P U L A R M O V E M E N T «B I R L I K» P A R T Y (Chairman - Abdurahim Polat: 1-703-455-9053, General Secretary – Vasila Inoyat: 998-97-131-4872, February 02, 2012 To: Hillary Rodham Clinton Secretary of State From: Abdurahim Polat “Birlik” Party of Uzbekistan Chairman Dear Madam Secretary, I have recently read in the news (USA Today and Washington Post), the stories...
- 17:00Fascism in Kirgizistan, but is the United States confused? (Statement of the Popular Movement "Birlik" Party of Uzbekistan, July 22, 2011)
Immediately after the coup in Kyrgyzstan last year, "Birlik" Party stated that this event will further strengthen anti-democratic trends in Central Asia. In fact it does. Fascism already dominates, even in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the South. The native Uzbeks of this region who were the victims of a bloody genocide in June 2010 by Kyrgyz fascists, figuratively speaking, are the victims of peaceful genocide by official Kyrgyz authorities now. The "Birlik" Party in its Statement on May 7, 2011...
- 00:09Protesters with slogans “Stop the Genocide against Uzbeks” in front of the Embassy of Kyrgyzstan in Tashkent
Yesterday, close to afternoon, 15-20 activists of “Birlik” Party and Human Rights “Ezgulik” Society held a protest with posters reading – “Stop the Genocide against Uzbeks in Kyrgyzstan,” “Birlik accuses the Kyrgyz of Fascism,” etc. in front of Kyrgyz Embassy in Tashkent. The order made by Uzbek policemen to the protesters to disperse was not taken into action. The protesters demanded to meet with the representatives of the embassy. Afterwa...
- 04:49Dear Kyrgyz-brothers! Come to your senses, stop the persecution of Uzbeks! (Statement of the Popular Movement "Birlik" Party of Uzbekistan, May 7, 2011)
The first anniversary of the bloody events that occurred in southern Kyrgyzstan is approaching. The "Birlik" Party expresses again its sincere condolences to the families and relatives of the people killed during those tragic days. As it is well known, it is clearly the prevailing view in the world even until now that the Uzbeks were massacred by extremist-minded people of Kyrgyzstan. But now even the so-called Independent International Commission created by the authorities of Kyrgyzstan, rec...
A significant event in the life of the democratic opposition of Uzbekistan occurred on May 7. For the first time in years, “Birlik” Party’s Central Council held meeting in Tashkent. The number of members of this body is 38. They were elected in the party’s last Congress in August 25, 2003. The May 7 event collected 30 of the members of the Central Council. The Chairman of “Birlik’ Mr. Abdurahim Polat who lives in the U.S. in exile and the Vice-chairman Mr. Pol...
- 04:24The puppet party engaged with toy issues
According to the press release of the Peoples' Democratic Party of Uzbekistan, party executives are trying to bring society's attention to the production of toys and their cultural quality. In the opinion of the Party's executives, these toys, especially imported ones, are negatively affecting our children's minds and spreading violence within young generations. But most stores have no wish to sell national Uzbek products. Many are indifferent to the young generation's fate. The Peoples' Demo...
- 21:35Tashkent held a 4-day international industrial fair and cooperation exchange market
On 26-30 October, Tashkent “Uzexpocenter" held the 4th International industrial fair and cooperation exchange market, as it is known from official news. Naturally, as with everything in Uzbekistan, this it was said that this event was also made possible by the initiative of president Islam Karimov. This international forum gathered representative from 650 foreign organizations in 71 countries as well as 700 local companies. During this forum process, contracts between participants were ma...
- 04:35Hosila Rahimova returned to stage
We informed on our news on September 3rd, Honored Artist of Uzbekistan Hosila Rahimova’s license by "Uzbeknavo" Concert Touring Association was permanently canceled because of her late arrival to the Independence Day concert. As it is known now, the national song performer's political insensitivity was forgiven and she's been returned to the stage. The reason is she was able to please the dictators of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan - Berdimuhamedov and Karimov in Ashkhabad at a joint concert in ...
- 04:50The Verdict to Abdumalik Boboev, journalist of "Voice of America" has been announced
Today, Mirzo Ulugbek district criminal court has announced its verdict relative to Abdumalik Boboev’s charges of slander, insult, illegal border crossing, and the creation and distribution of materials which may undermine the public order. The journalist's charge of "illegally passing the border" was dismissed, but the other three charges resulted in 400 minimum wages in fines (18,086,000 sum or $8000). According to the journalist's lawyer Sergey Mayorov, the charges against Abdumalik Bobo...
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2001 йилда режим зиндонида ўлдирилган "Бирлик" фаоли, ташкилотнинг Қашқадарё ташкилоти раиси
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